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Hello Brave and Courageous Ladies!  I am looking for brave, courageous, change-makers who are ready to create a ripple effect in their community.


Girlfriends Circle is a 6-week Group online program created to help you create deeper bonds with your girlfriends, intimacy in personal relationships, ditch drama, and live soul-aligned with your closest girlfriends. 


During the first covid shutdown I had the idea of creating girlfriend circles.  My desire is to connect women on a deeper level by introducing them to real intimacy and vulnerability in relationships, ditch people-pleasing, and understand how childhood trauma runs programs in the back of your mind and calls the shots in how you live your life.  I  just had to figure out how to execute it. And it came to me when I was invited to 4 online parties in 1 week. Instead of a home-based party selling nail art, jewelry, and supplements, I decided to duplicate the format to create Girlfriend Circles. 


Science has proven that you are the result of the people you spend the most time with. Being part of a community, and creating authentic connections increases your well-being and can add years to your life.   And, when women are emotionally healthy families are emotionally healthy. 


In my coaching experience, I find people isolate, hide their true selves, and do not show up as their authentic selves for fear of judgment for who they really are.  Most people feel like they are held hostage to their past which then leads to isolation in their current life.  It does not have to be that way.  I want to create a safe, supportive community where people can connect with others who have similar life experiences and share tools and behaviors to support you in living as your true authentic self and ditching the drama in friendships!



In the GF Circle, I will show you the foundation for personal development, how past trauma is calling the shots in your life, identify and heal negative beliefs, break the drama cycle in friendships and family, heal from co-dependent behaviors, be more vulnerable, and so much more!


Think of this as your life operating instructions.


I am looking for leaders, the change-makers...

I am looking for brave and courageous ladies who are ready to make a change within their friend's groups, families, or work environment. Leaders will be the host of the GF Circle.  The host is responsible for inviting their friends to the circle then Coach Kim will take it over.  As the host, you will have a special invitation link to get your attendees enrolled.


The perk of being the host includes FREE access to the circle if you have 5 paid attendees + a 30-minute one-one session with Coach Kim to support you on your own personal journey.   The biggest perk is you get to be the changemaker in your girlfriend's circle!


Ready to host?

Email me now by clicking the button below to create your girlfriend circle. 



Everything will happen within a private online group or if you are local to the Sacramento region we can do it in person for 6 weeks.  Coach Kim will host weekly live teaching with  Q + A session within the group.  The live session will follow along in your workbook. You will have weekly homework, journal prompts, and tools to support you in connecting with your fellow circle attendees,  diving deep into understanding your behaviors, and sharing how to create new empowering beliefs.  


$197.00 per attendee 

Your hostess will have a special invitation link to get you enrolled.

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